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Carré Py' Hôtel*** Bagnères de Bigorre - Pyrenees

Terms of Sales

GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE – CARRE PY ‘HOTEL*** The Customer undertakes to transmit to the Users of the contract these General Conditions of Sale and to collect their express acceptance. The term “contract” in this document refers to the agreement with the customer, whether in the form of a contract or any form of reservation. […]


The Customer undertakes to transmit to the Users of the contract these General Conditions of Sale and to collect their express acceptance. The term “contract” in this document refers to the agreement with the customer, whether in the form of a contract or any form of reservation.

ARTICLE 1: APPLICATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (GTC) These General Conditions of Sale (GTC) apply to services related to the contract signed with the Customer. These GTC are sent together with the contract and available to customers on our website, to allow him to make his reservation. Any reservation therefore implies on the part of the Customer and the Users full and unreserved adherence to these conditions, to the exclusion of any other document such as prospectus, commercial documents, etc. These Terms and the associated contract form an inseparable whole. In the event of contradiction between the provisions appearing in the contract signed by the Customer and those appearing in the present GTCS, the provisions of the contract prevail. If the Customer intends to assert its General Conditions of Purchase (CGA), and in the event of contradiction between the provisions of the Client’s CGAs and the provisions of these GCS or the contract agreed between the Client and the Hotel, the present provisions of the GTC and those of the contract prevail.

ARTICLE 2: CONFIRMATION OF BOOKING GROUP The Customer must confirm his reservation in accordance with the provisions of the contract and return a copy of the quote and terms and conditions duly dated, initialed on each page and signed by the Customer, marked “Good for agreement “and its stamp. These documents must be accompanied by the payment of the deposit referred to in Article 8 which constitutes a substantial and determining condition of the reservation. In the absence of payment of the deposit, the Hotel does not confirm the reservation and does not guarantee the availability of reserved spaces / rooms.



1 / Rooms The Customer must, for groups, send in writing (fax, email or mail), the “rooming-list” (list of registered users) at least 15 days before the scheduled arrival date. For all Customers, reserved rooms are made available to Users from 3 pm on the day of arrival. Rooms must be vacated no later than 11 am on the day of departure, any exceeding of this period may result in the billing of an additional night at the posted public rate. 2 / No-shows In case of “no-shows” (cancellation without notice), the Hotel will invoice the Client an indemnity equal to 100% of the amount inclusive of the services booked, for the entire stay. The Customer agrees to pay the sums due in case of no-show in the conditions defined in the contract or in article 8 of these Terms and Conditions


3 / Cutlery (for groups) The Customer is solely responsible for his choice of services and their suitability for his needs, so that the responsibility of the Hotel can not be sought in this regard. The Client must specify in writing the exact number of covers provided for each meal 8 working days before the start date of the event (Saturday and Sunday not included). Beyond the Hotel reserves the right to impose a choice in the category chosen by the Customer. Reducing the number of Participants is considered a partial cancellation of the reservation. The reduction of the services ordered (number of meals, buffet, cocktail …) is also considered as a partial cancellation of the reservation. Partial cancellations give rise to the application of Article 5 of these conditions. It is here specified that the restoration not consumed within the framework of a fixed price can not give rise to a reduction of the price and that this one can not be carried away by the Customer.

4 / Provision of space (for groups) The Client must inform the Hotel before the date of the event, of significant changes in the number of Participants to the event. In any case, if the number of Participants is lower than the number provided for in the quote, the Customer may be allocated a different space than the one initially planned, for reasons inherent to the management of the establishment. Similarly, it is expressly provided that the Client can not turn against the Hotel in the event that work takes place, during all or part of the services, within the walls of the Hotel or outside. The Customer will not be able to obtain from the Hotel any financial compensation or damages in case of modification of the spaces initially planned or in case of works. Any request for modification of installation (change of furniture, room, any element of space) in relation to the accepted contract must be made in writing no later than 72 hours before the start of the event. Beyond this period of 72 hours, a rate increase will be applied by the Hotel according to the modifications requested by the Customer.

5 / Modification of the number of Participants (for groups) The reduction of the number of Participants is considered as a partial cancellation of the reservation giving rise to the application of article 5 hereof, whether it concerns accommodation, catering or rented space. If the number of Participants is greater than the number indicated on the contract, the provision of spaces will only be confirmed after receipt of the additional deposit corresponding to the reservation differential.

ARTICLE 4: MODIFICATION OF THE BENEFITS Any request for modification of the services in relation to the reservation must be sent in writing. The establishment may, at any time and without any reason, refuse the request to modify the services. In the absence of written acceptance of the establishment within 8 days of receipt of the request, the contract is deemed to continue under the terms and conditions determined in the contract accepted by the Customer. In this case, the Hotel can not be sought for payment of any compensation.

ARTICLE 5: CANCELLATION As invoicing is made on the basis of the services ordered for the entire stay, the Customer is invited to pay the utmost attention to the cancellation conditions defined below. Cancellations of all or part of the initial reservation must be made in writing. In case of interruption of the stay, the full price including VAT for the entire agreed stay will be cashed without recourse from the Customer. Is considered as a cancellation of stay any stay started but which would be interrupted, whatever the reason for this interruption. Any cancellation received by the Hotel beyond the deadlines stipulated in the contract shall be considered a late cancellation. Beyond this period, the Customer agrees to pay the total amount inclusive of all services booked.


1 / Total cancellation The change of date is considered as a total cancellation and gives rise to the application of the cancellation conditions. Is also a cancellation, the failure to pay the contractual installments. In the event of non-respect of the payment deadlines, the Hotel will have the faculty to require from the Customer the immediate payment of the balance of the reservation, the payment of the Customer having to reach the Hotel within 8 days starting from the date of the written request of the Hotel. In the absence of payment within this period, the booking will be considered canceled by the Customer and the Hotel may ask for damages and interest due to the damage suffered. For individual guests, reservations can be canceled until the day before arrival (18 hours, local time) without charge. Beyond that, the first night is charged. 2 / Revision of conditions The cancellation conditions may be modulated according to the operational requirements of the establishment and the exceptional or complex nature of the reservation.

ARTICLE 6: DELAY In case of non-availability of the establishment, in case of force majeure, technical problem in the Hotel or for any other reason, the latter reserves the right to have the Users fully or partially hosted. a hotel of equivalent category for services of the same nature. The Hotel can not be sought for payment of any additional compensation.


ARTICLE 7: PRICES Rates are expressed in Euros. Rates on the contract are given for a period of time until an option date for the groups. The applicable tariffs are those in force on the day of the realization of the reservation. Rates may be increased by the tourist tax. They may be modified in the event of a legislative and / or regulatory change likely to result in price variations such as: modification of the applicable VAT rate, introduction of new taxes, etc. The VAT rate applied will be the rate in effect on the date of invoicing. In any case, if the order (number of rooms, and / or meals and / or meeting room) was found to be at least 10% lower than the initial contract, the Customer could be awarded new rates because of the reduced benefits.



1 / Down payments For groups, a deposit of an amount calculated on the total tax inclusive of the event must be paid according to the terms of the contract. In the event that the Client does not pay the deposit at the time of confirmation of the booking, the Hotel will not block the reserved areas. The Contract will be terminated to the exclusive fault of the Customer. Any additional services that will not be included in the contract, claimed by the User from the Hotel, must be paid directly to the reception of the Hotel. No payment deadline can be granted. For individuals, a deposit or full prepayment may be required depending on the type of reservation made (specified at the time of booking). Without specific indication, the payment must be made entirely at the beginning. 2 / Methods of payment For groups, only bank transfers or otherwise bank checks issued on a bank established in the country where the service is performed, or cash (within the legal limit) are accepted for payment of bills . Bank charges related to the payment of invoices are the responsibility of the Customer. For individuals, cash and credit cards are accepted. 3 / Individual regulations The payment of extras (laundry, bar, phone, etc.) and other services individually claimed from one or more of the Users, will be provided directly by the Users concerned at the reception of the establishment before their departure (individual payment ). In the absence of payment by one or more Users of services claimed in addition to the services included in the contract for groups (extras, meals, …), the invoice will be sent to the Customer who undertakes to pay it no later than 3 days the date of the invoice. 4 / Modification of the billing / payment terms The special provisions of the contract that deviate from the billing / payment rules set out in this article, as well as any request for a subsequent modification of these terms and conditions, must be submitted to the Hotel for formal acceptance. In addition, any deterioration in the financial situation of the Client occurring before the start date of the service may result in a revision of the terms of payment, in accordance with the credit policy of the Hotel.

5 / Payment period The amount of this installment (s) is deducted from the final invoice (balance) subject to the possible application of cancellation indemnities. Unless otherwise stated in the contract, the balance invoices are established by the Hotel and are payable no later than 3 days after the date of the invoice. No payment deadline can be granted. Any delay in payment is subject to compliance with the terms and credit limits set by the Hotel. The Customer will then have to provide a financial guarantee (cash deposit, first demand guarantee, joint guarantee). An early settlement can not benefit from discount. 6 / Failure to pay If payment is not made by the due date, late penalties will be due the day after the due date of the invoice at the rate of 15% per annum, applied to the total amount of the invoice inclusive of VAT. . In addition, a lump sum indemnity amounting to 40 € per claim will be due the day after the due date of the invoice to which will be added a supplementary indemnity to cover all costs incurred in the event of litigation recovery. . It is recalled that any settlement occurring beyond 60 days from the date of issue of the invoice is legally considered improper practice and criminally repressed. In addition, any failure to pay at the contractual due date will make payable immediately all claims remaining due by the Customer for invoices issued by the Hotel, and will result in the modification of the terms of settlement, namely the Customer shall prepay any reservation request until the total payment of the receivables due to the Hotel. 7 / Intermediary commission In the event of intermediation in the organization of the event, the commissioning concerns only the amounts of the services consumed and duly cashed by the establishments and will be billed specifically by the intermediary. It is recalled here that the regulation of the commission is subordinated to the complete preliminary collection of the event.

ARTICLE 9: TRANSPORTATION It is specified that the establishment does not provide any services related to the transport. He can not in any case be held responsible for the problems related to the transport of Users (delay, cancellation, etc.).

ARTICLE 10: INSURANCE-DETERIORATION-BREAKDOWN The Customer must ensure the custody of the goods and materials brought by himself or the Users, including changing rooms, excluding locker rooms monitored by the staff of the establishment to the outside rented spaces. The Client certifies to be insured with a company known to be solvent to cover the pecuniary consequences of his civil liability and guaranteeing in particular the damages and risks related to the exercise of his profession and more generally, all claims caused to the Hotel. He undertakes to maintain sufficient liability for the duration of hotel services seminars, meetings, conferences. The Customer is particularly invited to take out specific insurance in the event of the presence of large equipment or valuable goods insofar as the responsibility of the establishment can not be engaged in case of deterioration or theft of said goods. The Customer is responsible for all damages caused by his / her intermediary (in particular by the Users or their guests) and undertakes, in case of deterioration of the places made available, to bear the costs of repairing these places. Under no circumstances can the establishment be held responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever, in particular fire or theft, likely to reach the objects or materials deposited by the Customer or the Users on the occasion of the accommodation subject of this reservation. Similarly, any package, package, etc. delivered to the Hotel before and during the accommodation may be received by the Hotel but in no case it can not be responsible for any incident, any damage, incorrect package number, parcel damaged, any delivery problem. The Customer agrees in case of problems to apply directly to the supplier or carrier. The Client and its insurers waive all recourse against the Hotel, its staff and its insurers for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the total or partial destruction of all materials, movable objects, amenities, valuables, merchandise, as well as deprivation or disturbance of enjoyment of the premises.

ARTICLE 11: STAY AT THE HOTEL The Customer undertakes not to invite any person whose behavior is likely to harm the establishment, the latter reserving the right to intervene if necessary. The Customer will not be able to bring from the outside any drink or any foodstuff except in the case of a banquet. The Customer undertakes to ensure that Users and their guests comply with all the instructions and regulations of the establishment. The Customer will ensure that Users do not disrupt the operation of the establishment or undermine the security of the institution and the people therein. In the event that the Hotel suffers a loss by the Customer or one of the Users to seminars, meetings and congresses, it may turn against the Customer to obtain compensation for the damage suffered. The Customer will be obliged to compensate the Hotel for all the acts of the Users he has invited; It is up to him to turn in a second time against the said User if necessary. The general ban on smoking in hotels and restaurants is applicable in France since January 2, 2008 in all public places, namely the entire Hotel. The hotel is 100% non-smoking which means it is not possible to smoke in the rooms. The Customer will respect in all its communications with the outside all the rules from the law, in particular as to the locations and contents of the broadcast messages.

It will therefore assume all the consequences of these and guarantees the Hotel against any conviction of this fact. The Customer must submit for approval to the Hotel any communication he intends to make, whatever its nature. The Customer accepts and agrees to use the room as a good father, so any behavior contrary to morality and public order will cause the Hotel to ask the Customer to leave the establishment without any compensation and / or without no refund if a payment has already been made. The Hotel has an Internal Regulation for the Customer. The Customer agrees and agrees to comply with these rules and to enforce this regulation by Users. In case of non-compliance by the Customer with one of the provisions of the Internal Regulations, the Hotelier will be obliged to invite the Customer to leave the establishment without any compensation and / or without any refund if a payment has been made. already been done. The Customer agrees to remind Users of the above provisions and vouches for the respect of all these recommendations by Users.

ARTICLE 12: RESPONSIBILITY The responsibility of the Hotel can not be sought in case of evolution of the structure of any nature whatsoever: transfer of establishment, closure of establishment … The photos presented on the website are not contractual . Although every effort is made to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations and texts reproduced to illustrate the Hotel presented give as accurate an overview as possible of the accommodation services offered, variations may occur, in particular due to the change in furniture or possible renovations. The Customer can not claim any claim for this fact. The Hotel will not incur any liability for any consequential damages as a result of the present, including loss of use, the fact of the third party, the fact of the Customer or made of its partners.


ARTICLE 13: FORCE MAJEURE The obligations contained herein will not be applicable or will be suspended if their execution has become impossible due to a case of force majeure such as in particular: act of public authority, hostilities, war, fact of the Prince, catastrophe natural, fire, flood, strikes without notice … The parties shall use all their efforts to prevent or reduce the effects of a breach of contract caused by a force majeure event; the party wishing to invoke an event of force majeure shall immediately notify the other party of the beginning and end of this event, failing which it may not be released from its responsibility.

ARTICLE 14: MODIFICATION These Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time. In this case, the Hotel will send the changes to the Customer before the start of the services. Therefore, the new version of the GTC will apply to the relations between the parties.


ARTICLE 15: PARTIAL NULLITY The invalidity of one or more articles of these GSC will not entail the nullity of all of them. All other stipulations herein will remain applicable and will produce all their effects.


ARTICLE 16: CLAIMS AND DISPUTES In the event of dispute, claim or disagreement on a part of the invoice, the Customer undertakes to pay without delay the undisputed part and to indicate in writing to the establishment concerned, the reason and the amount the dispute, within 7 days from the date of the end of the accommodation. After this period, the service and billing will be considered as accepted and can not give rise to a subsequent complaint by the Customer. All disputes and claims can be taken into account only if they are formulated in writing and sent to the establishment within a maximum of 8 days after the end of the accommodation. In the event of litigation, and failing amicable agreement, the competent courts will be those of the place of the registered office of the company operating the establishment.

ARTICLE 17: APPLICABLE LAW The applicable law is the French law.


ARTICLE 18: ASSIGNMENT OF THE CONTRACT The present can not, under any circumstances, be the subject of an assignment by the Customer, either free or expensive, without the prior written consent of the Hotel.


ARTICLE 19: ELECTION OF DOMICILE All written communications between the parties (letters, notifications, …) must be sent to the Hotel, to his address and to the Customer at the address indicated in the contract.


ARTICLE 20: ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR LATE OPENING The period of rental of spaces is defined in the contract. Beyond these periods, additional rental fees will be applied based on the rates in effect. The Customer will be billed for overtime staff costs.


ARTICLE 21: PHOTOGRAPHIC REPORTING – TILTING OF FILM OR REPORTAGE The Customer is requested to inform the establishment concerned beforehand of the possible presence of a photographer and makes his personal case of obtaining all the authorizations that would prove required. Before any filming or reporting, the Client must first request permission to film at the Hotel. Otherwise, the Hotel will have to refuse access to the Hotel to the cameraman.

ARTICLE 22: UNPACKING SALES The Customer must provide the Hotel with a copy of the prior declaration of unpacking to the mayor of the municipality to which the Hotel belongs, and at least 15 days in advance, a copy of the acknowledgment of receipt or the deposit receipt of the prior declaration. These documents must be provided when the purpose of renting the premises is the retail sale or the taking of orders of goods preceded or not by advertising. In no case may the rental exceed the duration indicated on the prior declaration, sales can not exceed 2 months per calendar year in the same establishment. The non-provision of a copy of the prior declaration and the acknowledgment of receipt or the deposit receipt entails the application of the cancellation conditions referred to in article 5. The Customer agrees to communicate for validation to the Hotel and prior to the date of the event, any display related to the event within the Hotel and undertakes to comply with the law on posting in force in the municipality / department / region. Under no circumstances may the Hotel be held liable for non-regulatory display by the Customer. In case of litigation, only the Client will be liable for non-compliance with the regulations.


ARTICLE 23: EXHIBITIONS FAIRS AND DECORATION Any installation made by the Customer must comply with the specifications of the establishment as well as the latest safety regulations in force and must be submitted to the prior approval of the safety committee . Any project of decoration or setting up of stands will have to be submitted to the establishment and to include 5 copies of establishment under pain of being refused the authorization to expose. The Client organizer of trade show within the meaning of Article L762-2 of the Commercial Code must provide the establishment, at least 15 days before the date of the beginning of the event, a copy of the receipt of declaration of the event (Decree n ° 2006-85 of 27/1/2006) as well as a certificate of insurance mentioning the ceilings and the amounts of guarantee. The Customer agrees to restore the original premises, and at his expense, the occupied premises.

ARTICLE 24: RECRUITMENT If the Customer intends to offer placement services, he undertakes to comply with the rules laid down in Articles L. 5321-1 et seq. of the Labor Code. In particular, the Client must: – provide the establishment with proof that he is in good standing with the local labor inspectorate; – include the company’s name on its job advertisements, when the interview or selection of candidates is domiciled in the establishment. The Customer agrees to declare in writing addressed to the establishment at the same time as the accepted quote and the deposit, that it meets these two conditions. Under no circumstances may hotel staff participate in recruitment operations, in particular by distributing questionnaires to candidates who come to the reception desk of the establishment.

ARTICLE 25: PAYED ENTRANCES The Customer agrees to declare in writing addressed to the establishment together with the accepted quote and the deposit, its commitment of total responsibility when the event organized in the premises of the Hotel is accompanied by a paid entrance. In this case, the collection of the entrance fee must take place inside the rented premises. In no case should the staff of the establishment participate in this perception.

ARTICLE 26: COPYRIGHT The Customer must make his personal case of all declarations and the payment of all rights including to SACEM and SPRE, for the dissemination of musical works and more generally any animation within the premises ( orchestra, shows, records, etc.). The Customer must justify to the establishment prior to the event, the statement made to SACEM and SPRE. The Customer guarantees the Hotel against any claim related to the use of these rights against the Hotel and undertakes to cover all the costs related thereto. The Client is reminded that any broadcast of a sports event or other event in a meeting room is considered a public broadcast. Also, the Customer will have to make his personal case of obtaining the required authorizations from any society and / or organization of collective management of copyrights and neighboring rights competent in this respect and will assume only the payment of all rights exigible under the broadcast of the sports event or other. In addition, the Customer undertakes not to make any publicity about the distribution of this event within the show made available under the terms of the present or even to use commercially the event for its customers brought to participate in the event organized by the customer.

ARTICLE 27: PERSONAL DATA A “Data” for the purposes of this article means any information or set of information relating to a natural person identified or that can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identification number. or one or more items of its own, and which is used by the Customer or by the Hotel (hereinafter referred to as the Parties). The Parties undertake, throughout the duration of this contract, to comply with the applicable regulations on the protection of data, and in particular, Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, known as “Data Protection”, in regarding the collection, use, processing, retention, transmission, correction, deletion and / or disclosure of any Data communicated under this contract. The Parties undertake to implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the Data against loss, misuse and unauthorized access, dissemination, alteration and destruction; the nature and level of these security measures must take into account the more or less sensitive nature of the data. The Parties undertake to use the Data in a fair manner and for the sole purpose of this contract, which is the subject of this contract (loyalty actions, commercial prospection, satisfaction survey, etc.).

ARTICLE 28: MANDATE If the Client contracts in the name and on behalf of a third person, he is deemed to have a legally valid mandate to do so. The Customer agrees to inform the Hotel of the name of the End Customer and the name of the event organized. At any time the Hotel may ask him to justify his mandate and, in the absence of a valid mandate may terminate the contract without compensation without prejudice to damages that the Hotel may be required to claim.

ARTICLE 29: TERMINATION In the event of a breach by one of the parties to any of its obligations hereunder, the other party may immediately terminate the agreement by sending a registered letter to the party at fault. with acknowledgment of receipt of formal notice to perform the obligation in question, which has remained ineffective for a period of five (5) days. The exercise of this right of cancellation does not relieve the defaulting party from fulfilling the obligations incurred until the termination takes effect, without prejudice to any recourse available to the other party.


ARTICLE 30: BANQUETS If the Customer wishes to bring his drinks, then a corkage fee applies, which will be charged per bottle. It is reminded that children who could participate in the event are placed under the sole responsibility of the parents and / or the Client. It is reminded that the Customer can not bring restoration for the event whether in whole or in part. If he wishes to take part of the banquet at the end of the banquet, he undertakes to comply with the laws and regulations in force concerning food and beverages, their transport, hygiene and hygiene standards. in general, to all prescriptions relating to the Restoration part so that the Hotel can not be worried or looked for in liability. The Customer undertakes to respect all the rules in force relating to hygiene and the cold chain and that the premises are left in a general state of cleanliness. It is here stated that the Hotel is released from all liability for food reported by the Customer. This clause is worth discharge of the Hotel.

ARTICLE 31: TECHNICAL-FIRE SAFETY If the Customer uses the Square Event or Conference Room Pyrenees, then the sound connections must be made on the jacks provided for this purpose to allow the automatic shutdown of these facilities and the dissemination of the message general evacuation of these rooms in case of triggering of the fire safety system.